We stayed in a little town called Eden just across the Vic border. Stayed at an awesome campground with jumping pillow, playground, huge play teepee - and we practically had the place to ourselves. Over January apparently you can only get in by bookings months in advance. The campground also had the cools bikes above which Rob and I had to take turns in taking the kids for laps around the park (they couldn't reach the pedals dammit).

We headed up to Batemans Bay from Eden. Nice town on the riverfront with about 10 different beaches within 10km of the township. Kind of place I'd like to live, but only if it was warmer! We had some rainy weather here (pretty standard really), spent a morning at an indoor playground - bit of an eye opener for Rob. ("So you sit here with your friends all morning, with coffee and cake while the kids to burn off all their energy - and why don't you want to go back to work?") We did get onto the beach a couple of times, and saw some dolphins go past about 20ms from the beach - freaky to see them that close!
Next off to Sydney (well really north of Manly - no caravan parks in the inner city!!) First day there we went to the Maritime Museum which was good value (ie free), and we got to have a look around a naval warship (not free, but the kids got to play with cannons). We met up with Sally (Rob's sister) and had a nice beach walk and meal in Manly. Next day it was raining unfortunately but we got out anyway, met Sally and headed around some of the city - we rode the monorail, did a wee bit of shopping and had a wine at the waterfront - oh and Rob got to wander around a $300k catamaran - you could say a little bit for everyone!
Ash checks his ticket on the Polar Express at Myers - free train ride and a one-on-one chat with santa, it would've been a cheap day out if we'd stayed away from the kids clothing dept.
The reindeer didnt make too much of a mess eating icecream on the Manly ferry (thanks Auntie Sally for a great day out!!! and the icecreams!)

Ruben shows off his new/favourite t-shirt bought at Sydneys Maritime Museum - for a week or two he was wearing this day and night!

We headed back to the wildlife park we visited on the last trip because we knew the kids could pat the koalas and kangaroos for free (a lot of places charge for patting!)

Finally Ash plucks up his courage and feeds a kangaroo.

And got to throw food in the pond for the big turtles.

And Ruben got kissed by a dolphin, Ash refused so I got a kiss instead.

Then there was the show which was pretty cool too - dolphins, seals, sea lions all performing the usual tricks.